Wednesday, October 17, 2007

See by Faith

In Genesis 12 God tells Abraham to leave his country and his kindred behind and go to the land that He will show him. God also promises Abraham many descendents.

What does Abraham do? He leaves. But he brings his nephew, Lot, with him, after God had told him to leave his kindred behind.

Why did Abraham bring Lot? Abraham was childless. He brought Lot so he'd have an heir, even though God had promised him many descendents. Abraham, as upright a man as he was, shows a lack of faith by doing this.

How often do we do this; say we believe one way, and act in another. I did this for most my teen years. I spent much time wrapped up inside the comfort of lukewarmth. It wasn't until God took me outside and showed me how to see by faith that I realized just what He has done and continues to do for me.

In Genesis 15 God takes Abraham outside and says, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your descendants be." Reading further in the chapter we notice that it was still daytime when God did this. Abraham could see no stars. He thus learns a lesson of faith; that although we cannot always see the blessings of the Lord, if we look towards His direction, somehow we can sense they're there.

And he believed the LORD.


Michael Barber said...

Amen to that!

It's awesome that you caught that clue about the sunset coming later--that's the mark of a careful reader.

Keep those insights coming...