Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reflections on Exodus

"Preach always, when neccessary use words."
~St Francis of Assisi

Call me crazy, but I don't think this quote implys that there is a scarcity of moments necessitating the use of words. It means there is a plethora of moments when we do not act out our words. Our lukewarmth leaves us mute. So then, what flame ignited the saints? What cold woke them up?

Manna, this spirit that moves us to act? What is it? In the dark of our human hearts we sometimes wander, as if in a desert, thirsting to find meaning or that thing they call love. Despair can grow like fungus, claiming victory in its blotting out of the son. It weeps gnashing echoes, "Meaning? Love? Being? Absurd!"

But in every human heart, even amongst the darkness, there is a whisper, "I AM." A serene sound, milk and honey, nourishment for the soul. "I am here to save you." A hope that flashes and shines through the blinding grime of sin, dispelling the blindness of the proud. Philosophers murmur, "why is there something, rather than nothing?" The Christian finds his sublime answer in I AM.

Jesus is the manna, the bread of life, perfect being who sustains all that is. Only He can nourish and heal. Hot and cold facilitate, cooperate in that healing. Lukewarmth breads disease. So be hot, be cold, and when neccessary use words.


Michael Barber said...


Your post reminds me of Rev 3:15-16, where Jesus says, "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth."